I´m living my second life with a smile on my face.
I am Tomáš Masaryk and in my life I was born twice. I live my second life as a trader, athlete, and a motivational speaker. A tragic car accident and its consequences has opened a perspective on life. I would like to share this perspective with you because I believe that it could help and enrich your life too.
Living two lives
I often say that I have lived two lives during my lifetime.
In the first one I was a successful 22 years old professional soccer player with outlooks for a great career.
Even though in the second one I m not walking on my own legs anymore, I m enjoying each day working as an international commodity trader, Paralympic national tennis team player and in my free time I try to inspire people. I wouldn’t call myself a motivational speaker – my friends, and people who heard my story called me that.
I am thankful that I am able to live my life with a smile on my face and an opportunity to talk to you.
That way, you don’t have to feel alone in your situation.
Hopefully seeing me will assure you that what you trying to achieve can be done.
I am happy to inspire, ignite, and encourage people who need it.
Wheelchair tennis
My first life ended with a car accident and I suddenly found myself with a pessimistic prognosis and desperation. Legs that used to score goals to win the matches were numb and my career faded away as I couldn’t move stuck in between walls of a hospital room.
I refused to settle for not being able to get up, not feeling happiness from motion, heavy heart pumping and sweating.
I redirected the energy I used to invest in running on the field and kicking the ball towards getting better. I was stuck on the bed but in my mind I was hoping to be able to spend my days moving. I could give that hope up everyday. But I didn’t.
What seemed like a naïve and unattainable goal slowly started to look more and more real.
Live with a smile on your face
I am trying to show other people that anything is possible and that you don’t have to go through what I went to understand that. One day I somehow ended up at the self-development / motivational seminar speaking about my story. Eventually I found up that talking to those people has actually helped them.
They lived by my advices and the results came soon. Now they are confident and they never give up.
Many people asked me which school I went to and from which books I gained the knowledge I spread. My honest answer was – I am just telling stories that my life has written and that I never read the principles from the motivational literature. I am living my life with both my eyes and my heart open, I try to pay attention to the things around me and learn from them.
I turned my knowledge into easy to understand words and messages and it really seems like they help people.
Which is why I decided to keep on helping. I can show an example, spark a thought, and encourage people. What I can’t do is to change people’s lives. That’s up to them.
“If I give hope to at least one out of hundred people that come to listen to my story, then it all makes sense.”
If you are facing a difficult situation in your life or going through the crisis and collapse of a self-motivation then I am here to offer you my story and my experience on tackling everyday problems.
What do I do
I would like to thank the companies and the people whom I presented my story for the trust
I love people and they love me